
Feb 11, 2025


🚀 New Features

CitusDB Integration & Query Optimization

We've made major strides toward leveraging CitusDB for distributed, scalable database operations:

  • Tenant-Aware Query Optimization:

    • Added joins on tenant tables to enable efficient query execution across distributed nodes.

    • Reduced redundant extension creation (e.g., uuid-ossp) to streamline database setup.

  • Performance Improvements:

    • Enhanced Docker build efficiency with multi-layer caching for faster database deployments.

    • Updated Helm templates for better database connection handling and secret management.

  • Operational Refinements:

    • Migrated database schema to optimize compatibility with distributed CitusDB clusters.

    • Improved job scheduling and user authentication for multi-tenant environments.

"Like the Cheshire Cat, these updates quietly make everything smoother while grinning in the background!" 😸

Prebuilt Docker Image Deployment

  • Added Docker configurations for community and full editions.

  • Streamlined deployment process by automating environment setup and database migration.

  • New prebuilt Docker images for faster production deployments.

"Even the Queen of Hearts would approve of this streamlined kitchen!" 👑

Date Handling Overhaul with Temporal API

  • Migrated date handling across the application to Temporal API for improved timezone support and date arithmetic accuracy.

  • Separated model and view interfaces for time periods, introducing safer type conversions.

  • Enhanced billing and invoice generation logic to handle dates reliably.

“Time flies differently here—just ask the Mad Hatter!” 🎉 

Advanced Recurrence Handling for Scheduling

We've streamlined and enriched scheduling operations to provide powerful management options for recurring events:

  • Structured Editing & Deletion Options:

    • Edit or delete a single instance, this and future instances, or all instances with ease.

    • Granular confirmation dialogs for both editing and deletion ensure clear user interactions.

  • Timezone Accuracy & Propagation:

    • Enhanced event updates now handle timezone discrepancies seamlessly.

  • Type-Safe Recurrence Operations:

    • Simplified recurrence pattern handling for better performance and error management.

"Follow the recurrence road, but beware the tornado of edits and deletions! 🌪️👠"

Provisioning API Documentation

  • Comprehensive design and documentation for the new MSP PSA enterprise Provisioning API.

  • Covers security, architecture, and partner integration details for seamless enterprise account provisioning.

"Now anyone can navigate this labyrinth with the Queen's map in hand!" 💖

🔧 Improvements

UI Consistency Improvements

  • More flexible dialog widths with custom class props and proper recurrence constraints.

"Dialogs now resize like Alice's Wonderland cakes!" 🍄

Enhanced Platform Support

  • Added a Windows Setup Guide tailored for smoother onboarding and development with step-by-step instructions for configuring the project environment on Windows.

"Step boldly down the rabbit hole, Windows adventurers—there's a wonderland of streamlined setup ahead! 💻🐇✨"

🛠️ Bug Fixes and Refinements

  • Fixed Docker build issues by including essential configuration files and improving layer caching.

  • Resolved compilation errors by separating model and view interfaces for time periods.

  • Enhanced error handling for contact operations with better UI messaging and validation.

  • Optimized GitHub action permissions and package publishing processes.

  • Ensured smoother startup with production mode configurations and optimized scripts.

  • Integrated GitHub Actions and Packages to streamline CI/CD workflows.